Trees/Landscaping Committee

Trees/Landscaping Committee -Manages the lawn, landscaping, trees and snow removal, on HOA property.

Annual Architectural Committee Walkthrough

Arborist Report (January 15, 2016)

The following links are the PDF files for the tree plats from the arborist who assessed diseased or weak trees on/around HOA property. These are provided to our community for your information in case some of the identified trees are on or near your property. Interpretation of the plats is not intuitive because property lines, distances, and tree locations are approximate. These are “rough” assessments from January 15, 2016.
Look for the very small “circled-X” symbol to identify the potential “hazard” trees:

Please note that some of the trees have been removed.

If you would like to volunteer for the Trees/Landscaping Committee, please email the HOA at