Architectural Committee

Exterior Alteration Info and Application

Annual Architectural Committee Walkthrough

The Annual Walkthrough by the Architectural Committee is done in June each year. The committee checks for adherence to the HOA covenants.

Exterior Alteration Information and Application

Most exterior alterations and modifications require submission of an approval form to the HOA Architectural Committee. Residents can make costly mistakes by not going through the alteration approval process. The documents provided below are made available to guide residents through the exterior alteration approval process.

Find out which exterior alterations/modifications require an Exterior Alteration Application.

If your exterior alteration requires an approval form, complete this document and submit it to the HOA Architectural Committee.

This document contains the guidelines used by the HOA Architectural Committee to determine if properties are compliant with homeowner property maintenance requirements according to HOA By-Laws.

If you have additional questions regarding whether your planned exterior alteration requires prior approval which are not answered by the documents above, please contact the HOA Board of Directors using the contact information below.